
ol-ishare/control/layerswitcher~ LayerSwitcher

LayerSwitcher control. Lists all overlay layers with optional legend images together with base maps. Extends ol-layerswitcher~LayerSwitcher adding legend images.


new LayerSwitcher(opt_options)

Name Type Description
opt_options Object

Control options, extends ol/control/Control options adding:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
startActive boolean <optional>

Whether panel is open when created.

activationMode String <optional>

Event to use on the button to collapse or expand the panel: 'mouseover' - the layerswitcher panel stays expanded while button or panel are hovered; 'click' - a click on the button toggles the layerswitcher visibility.

collapseLabel String <optional>

Text label to use for the expanded layerswitcher button. E.g.: '»' or '\u00BB', '-' or '\u2212'. Not visible if activation mode is 'mouseover'

label String <optional>

Text label to use for the collapsed layerswitcher button. E.g.: '', '«' or '\u00AB', '+'.

tipLabel String <optional>

the button tooltip.

collapseTipLabel String <optional>

the button tooltip when the panel is open.

groupSelectStyle String <optional>

what to add to group labels: 'none' - groups don't get a checkbox; 'children' - groups have a checkbox and affect child visibility or; 'group' - groups have a checkbox but do not alter child visibility (like QGIS).

reverse boolean <optional>

reverse the layer order.

legends legends <optional>

Whether to display legend images with the layer name: 'none' - layers have no legend image; 'dynamic' - legend image displayed with checkbox; 'static' - only legend image shown, no checkbox.
